The C5 GPS Media Player
The C5 GPS Media Player was developed in conjunction with The C5 Landscape Initiative. The Landscape Initiative is a big data endeavor. During the numerous project expeditions executed on both sides of the globe, large amounts of data were collected. The common media throughout all the projects of the Landscape Initiative are GPS data and digital images. This data was stored in the C5 Landscape Database. To make use of and explore the C5 Landscape Database, a visual interface, The C5 GPS Media Player was developed. Specifically this web application provides the ability to navigate and display the GPS tracks and their related media. The player can also enable track comparison analysis sorted by person, project, and event. Each track simultaneously shows the trace of the hiker's journey and therefore also alludes to a narrow description of the land traversed. In the same way, the images and text recorded during the trek become the additional document of both first person narrative and assembles more description of the surrounding landscape.
In addition to being an interface to the database, the GPS Media Player creates an implicit timeline and meta narratives for each of the Landscape Initiative projects. It provides a means of documenting the projects from their point of common inception, data and process.
View exhibition documentation of The C5 GPS Media Player, from The C5 Landscape Initiative debut exhibition at San Francisco Camerawork.