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  You Don't See That You Don't See

  Digital Secrets

You Don't See That You Don't See (YDSTYDS) was commissioned for the Digital Secrets Symposium: New Collaborations in Visual Art and Technology, Institute for Studies in the Arts at Arizona State University Tempe, AZ.

Performed at Drama City, ASU, November 10, 2000.

YDSTYDS stems from C5's research into knowledge representation and autopoiesis. The performance explores John Searles' counter argument to the Turing Test, known as the Chinese Room Argument. As this argument hinges on determining a system's intelligence from observation, the notion — that what you see may not always be what you get — directed us to the use of deception as the drama's motif. The script entails twists and turns, abruptly changing from the pumped-up drama of a magicians' act as Chinese Room demonstration, through the pedantic headiness of theoretical discourse, into the slippery reality of mediated submarine existence, to the elegance of ballroom dancing as autopoietic co-ontogeny. In the end, YDSTYDS makes commentary on our struggle to understand what we observe, to grasp reality.

C5 devises theoretical models, analysis and tactical implementations of Theory as Product. At C5 there is no philosophical conflict in the relationships of art as theory, research as art, and art as business.

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