  Nearest Neighbor Detail
This map shows a detailed data topology of the current client's Data Profile as well as profiles of several other clients. The Data Profile grid or topology shows 18 different attributes of both the desktop and directory structure. The attribute values are represented in a monochromatic color range ( 0 - 255) and show the same attributes for the desktop and the directory.


This map also shows a Nearest Neighbor relationship between the current profile and other Data Profiles according to the same x y attributes as the Cluster Map; the average number of folders per hierarchical layer and the total number of files of the desktop and directory. The Nearest Neighbor orientation represents 4 corner profiles that are the most similar to the current profile in the center.

The 4 Nearest Neighbor relationships are as follows:
A. The top left profile contains more files but less average folders per layer.
B. The top right profile contains more files and more average folders per layer.
C. The bottom left profile contains less files and less average folders per layer.
D. The bottom right profile contains less files and more average folders per layer.


This map allows for a more detailed representation of the many attributes collected with each client's profile scan and the relationships between the desktop and directory. At the same time, it also allows for comparison with other profiles having similar characteristics.